Welcome to Life Line Residential Services

Life Line Residential Services & OT Consultant Group (LLRS) has been licensed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Department of Substance Abuse (DBHDS) since November 2003.  LLRS is committed to providing individualized supports to enable  adults with Developmental Disabilities the opportunity to reach their goals through an established Service Plan (ISP), with a high quality of living. Through the Community living waiver, LLRS is able to support individuals by encouraging and supporting total health and well being through a holistic approach. LLRS is specialized in serving persons with Developmental Disabilities who are especially able to blossom in an environment with individualized attention, through the support of a nurturing “ family” like network and/or specialized staffing. 

  • Goals

    1. To provide experiences and support to strengthen community living in a nurturing environment.

    2. To provide skill building opportunities in the environment where the individual will live, work, engage in recreation and develop new interest and actually use the skills.

    3. To facilitate community relationships through various methods of advocacy and individualized consultation.

    4. To monitor health and safety conditions and provide assistance as needed with transportation, personal care and activities of daily living.

    5. To empower the individual to realize their personal freedoms, individual rights and responsibilities.

    6. To support the individuality of each person through the development of individualized service plans that incorporate choices and interest.

  • Requirements for Admission

    1. The individual must be twenty-one (21) years old or older and eligible to receive ID/DD Waiver ( Community Living Waiver) services through the community services board.

    2. The individual may be male or female.

    3. The individual can  be ambulatory or non-ambulatory (with assistive devices if necessary but able to do  stand pivot).

    4. May have behavioral challenges but are not actively hostile to themselves or others.


Caring and Compassion are the C’s to our Success.

Our Services

Life Line Residential Services has a small congregate group home of 4-5 individuals. With that we can offer the following specialized services found below.

  • Communication
    Communicating needs and wants through a Person-Centered Approach that will allow the individual to express themselves in all aspects of their lives.

    LLRS will assist individuals in fulfilling personal goals. These include opening themselves to new experiences, learning to trust others, becoming creative about self, their interests, and the community around them.

  • Skill Building
    Acquiring new skills that will improve functional independence and/or personal satisfaction in many facets of one’s life.

    LLRS will work with individuals on learning to manage skills that will help with basic independence. Individuals will learn independent living skills from areas of taking medication consistently, proper hygiene and basic home maintenance, to learning how to cook, clean and shop independently or with support for self.

  • Interpersonal Development/Socialization
    Developing interpersonal development and socialization through community based living.

    LLRS will assit individuals to develop skills needed in socialization and communication. Individuals will be given techniques on learning how to express themselves with verbal and non-verbal communication; listening skills, negotiating, problem solving and decision making.

  • Confident self-esteem building
    Developing Confidedence at home and in the community

    Individuals will gain self-esteem through domestic, personal care, and Activity Daily Living Skill training. Our staff will assist individuals and provide training and support to reach their goals and potential.

  • Increased community involvement and participation
    Engage in community activities based on the individual’s interest and capabilities.

    Individuals will be given opportunities to visit places, events and activities based on their abilities and interests. Parks, malls, sporting venues, movies and dining are examples of places available to those living at LLRS.

  • Social Role Development
    Understanding and developing proper social skills in appropriate environments within the community based on their needs and desires.

    All individuals will be given instruction in social skill development in community environments that meet their needs. Individuals will learn how to make requests, express manners, and articulate needs and wants.

  • Self Advocacy
    Advocating for oneself by making decisions and choices based on their interests, needs and concerns.

    LLRS will assist individuals in finding their voice to make decisions and choices for their own wants and needs.


Caring and Compassion are the C’s to our Success.

Our Homes

Life Line Residential Services have two homes for our clients.


Casaloma Home

The Casaloma home is located in Forest, Virginia and has four bedrooms and three baths with the capacity for five individuals. It currently has two openings for either male or female. Please call us if interested.


Lemon Drive Home

The Lemon Drive home is located in Lynchburg, Virginia with three bedrooms and the capacity for four individuals. We have no openings at this time.


Caring and Compassion are the C’s to our Success.

About the Owner and Founder

Life Line Residential Services is founded and operated by Marie Ward, a licensed Occupational Therapist of 29 years . Marie Ward is a graduate of VCU/MCV from the School of Occupational Therapy. Her career journey has given her insight and passion for Congregate Residential Living in a small “family like” setting. She believes that individuals can grow and thrive in a loving setting that appreciates individuality and promotes independence through “doing”.  It is her belief that with the appropriate assistance,  supports, and encouragement, a person becomes confident enough and skilled enough to grow any many areas of their life. The motto for Life Line Residential Services is “ Caring and Compassion are the C’s to our Success”.


Caring and Compassion are the C’s to our Success.

Get In Touch

We would like to hear from you. If you have a question or comment, please fill out the form. We will get back to you witnin 24 hours.

LifeLine Residential Services
PO Box 323
Forest, Virginia 24551

E: alifeline4u@verizon.net
P: 434.525.7371